I would like to get instruction on how resurface concrete and stamp it

by Owe20873503
  4 answers
  • Linda Hunt Linda Hunt on Apr 21, 2017

    Well, Owen Minton, I have the same question because when I tried to Google it the sites were all saying different things. Fortunately, everything I need to know was on my favourite site, Instructables. You may pay monthly for downloadable instructions and plans or you may also enjoy the site for free as long as you do not mind learning one step at a time. My budget dictates the last choice. Good luck to you in your project.

  • FRED RIGGS FRED RIGGS on Apr 23, 2017

    I second that statement. It is not by any means a DIY job. You don't have the knowlege or the equipment. It would be take up the concrete and re pour and then stamp it, but it is a job for concrete finishers and professionals. It is a total re-pour and then get the stamping mats. The concrete companies usually have them among their tools and you can pick your pattern. It is a job you cannot do. I could not either.

  • Sally Wiese Sally Wiese on Apr 27, 2017

    I am not a concrete person, but I think I can guess the answer here. Don't do it. The re-surfacing would eventually crack off and leave a mess. Have a professional take it apart and do a fresh pour.