Morning Glory Everywhere!!!!!!!!

by Staci
I have morning glory in all of my flowerbeds. I have pulled, sprayed, anything I can think of to get rid of it. Any suggestions. It wraps around my sage and chives all season. I have cut both back in the fall and tried to get rid of it, but NOPE! Help!!!!!!
  6 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 21, 2017

    Yes I have the same issue I just keep pulling them out as chemicals will kill surrounding plants.

  • Looneylobsters Looneylobsters on Apr 21, 2017

    That stuff is nearly impossible to get rid of! I have tried for the past 2 yrs. I ended up killing one whole bed with round up and am starting over. I bought some spray foam weed killers for my other bed that worked pretty good but had to do it continuously every weekend. They say to not pull it as it just sends out more shoots and spreads more which I agree with. I hope someone out there has an answer for us! đŸ˜¢

  • Sally Sally on Apr 22, 2017

    The natural way is to spray white distilled vinegar, it may take a while but will eventually kill it out. Or instead of Round Up, use Eliminator found at Wal-Mart. We like this better than round up. It requires at least no rain for 2 hours, and it will take a week before you see results. We like it for the area behind our house that has an overgrowth, and we want to be able to walk in that area.

  • Joanie Joanie on Apr 22, 2017

    Share my thoughts?............I had wild onions and could not for the life of me STOP them, but after mulch after mulch and LITERALLY pulling them out by the root.....they FINALLY left me., UNTIL, after 24 yrs. I spotted 2.......those suckers just don't give up, BUT!! neither do I!! I got them by the roots and out they go in the woods.........they are bad news!!! Although, I've never tried, but people have told me they are wild chives. Does anyone know about them? Sorry about your help with the wild flowers....((((((

  • Inetia Inetia on Apr 23, 2017

    I rounded up all of the runners I could get and put them in a garbage bag, sprayed them with round up and left the bag lay in the sun for a day or two. I haven't seen any come back yet.

  • Tonia Tonia on Apr 24, 2017

    You can try Tordon RTU. This will kill rhizomes. It is nasty stuff so don't get it on any thing else. Cut a stem and paint it on the wound.