How can stairs/steps be added to closet space 3ft off floor?

by Dora
Created addl closet space in small apt by opening a walled up attic storage area, but want to add permanent steps/stairs to access area more easily....any ideas?
  3 answers
  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Apr 24, 2017

    I think you would do it similarly as if you're building attic stairs, like these-

  • Mary Mary on Apr 26, 2017

    It depends on if it is in a room you use or where. You can stack wooden sturdy boxes in a step pattern and they will provide shelves and steps. You can go to a hardware store and buy they stringers already cut and they will cut the 2" x 12" steps by what ever width. this will stick out into the area about four feet. If the room is dear, use a step ladder that can be stored in the closet.

  • Dora Dora on Apr 26, 2017

    Room is frequently used, so step ladder more feasible and would take up less space. Appreciate your input. Thank you.