Help! I have a small flower bed that is full of boxwood stumps

by Ech8761142
The beds are full of stumps that are so deep it's had for me to dig up as I am seventy yrs old. What can I use to remove at lease some of them?
  5 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 24, 2017

    Is there anything else growing in the area

    • Ech8761142 Ech8761142 on Apr 27, 2017

      Yes, I do have room for cone flowers, one tomato plant , one knockout rose bush. But they are spaced far apart because of the tree roots and two iris plants stuck in the dug out roots.

  • Judy Ferrell Judy Ferrell on Apr 25, 2017

    Maybe your best bet would be to leave them. Cover with dirt or potting soil and plant shallow root plants.

  • Wally seeley Wally seeley on Apr 25, 2017

    If you can afford have a handy man dig around them then start lopping off the roots around main trunk. there are also chemicals that rot the trunks and roots but it takes 3-5 years to work Judy's idea isn't bad either good luck Wally

  • Jamie Boyce Jamie Boyce on Apr 26, 2017

    Good suggestions already. It would seem that you can either use them if they are tall enough as potted plant stands or faux houses for a gnome garden or add a row to the top of your bed edges, fill with soil and just plant over them. Good luck. I would love to see photos of your solution.

  • Vos21311394 Vos21311394 on Apr 27, 2017

    Two things to do are get a handyman to dig them out and turn over the bed, or look around for an organization that helps seniors stay in their homes and ask for a volunteer to do so. Gardening is always a pleasure and a flower bed is a joy any way you look at it.