What ground cover can I plant under large oak trees ?

Sid mcglothlin
by Sid mcglothlin
  3 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 26, 2017

    What is you location and lighting?

    • Sid mcglothlin Sid mcglothlin on Apr 27, 2017

      San Antonio, Texas. Our home faces west, so we get hot afternoon sun. The berm where we have three large oaks is in the front yard and the little sprouts from the tree roots are messy looking. I was hoping to disguise them by planting something like rosemary . I usually just clip them or weed eat them for neatness sake.

  • Del22305000 Del22305000 on Apr 27, 2017

    If you have an old valley oak, it is important for the longevity of the tree not to disturb the soil (under the tree) very much. Because of this, I cannot really recommend anything which would overwhelm the tree or disturb it further - particularly plants such as ivy because of its invasive nature.

    The more and more you disturb the earth underneath the oak - the more you are decreasing the ultimate longevity of the tree itself. I love these old oaks - so, I would try to preserve the overall health of the tree itself.

    Best to use Western natives and plants which will not be particularly destructive to the tree. Try native sages (Salvia mellifera, leucophylla as examples) .. California lilac, california buckwheat, manzanita and others.

    For flowers, try Monkey Flowers (Mimulus sp) and even some anemones (blanda or nemorosa - not the more common variety)would make a ground cover which can naturalise on their own. (Mimulus would be great because it is also a native).

    Again, it depends on how you care for the tree and concern over its longevity. AND, please remember -- always leave the fallen leaves/mulch under the tree -- it is important not to disturb this either. The oak (particularly Valley and Live Oaks) require special care that goes beyond any traditional under-tree planting species, etc -- the ultimate goal of the tree's care should be considered because the understory is so important to Californian oaks.

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 27, 2017

    I would consider container gardening under the trees. Use various heights of different pots and choose heat tolerant plants for your area.