How can we separate 'Clumped' tomato seedlings?

We planted tomato seeds and some ended up 'clumped' together, how do we separate them in order to transplant?
  5 answers
  • Very carefully untangle them if it looks possible to do so without harming or shocking the plant. If you determine you are unable to separate, just plant as is and let nature do its thing. That has happened to me a bunch of times. Sometimes the weaker plant will die off on its own or you end up with a mega mater. 🍅

  • Edie Edie on Apr 27, 2017

    Wiggle the roots apart, trying not to damage. It is ok to lose most of the soil if needed to see the roots but don't expose roots to air for more than a few minutes .If seedlings are only an inch or two high, transplant into a paper cup for a week or two, then out to garden when they have gained some strength and size. If you can't separate them all, pinch off a few rather than crowding - one good plant is better than several struggling in the same small space!

  • Richardstarling Richardstarling on Apr 28, 2017

    Very carefully separate the seedlings without damaging the plants (do not pull on the small plants gently untangle the roots) make a hole in the soil with your finger for the new plant place it in the hole, take the soil and fill the hole and press the soil gently around the plant now water just enough to get the roots and soil wet.

  • Daris Thomas Hale Daris Thomas Hale on Apr 28, 2017

    helps to soak seedlings in rain water to easily separate. then replant up to 2/3 length of plant each time.( remove greenery going in dirt) pinch off large leaves to help reestablish roots

  • C.B. C.B. on Apr 30, 2017

    GREAT ANSWERS! Yes, gently swishing the rooted ends in a container of water will remove soil & ease the process of untangling the root systems. Burying the seedlings deeper than what they were encourages the growth of additional root structure that will feed the plants; removing 'green leaves' will keep the leaves from rotting & causing mold to consume the new plant. Good Luck!