How can I improve my work desk? Right now it is too plain!

Ilan Davidovics
by Ilan Davidovics
  6 answers
  • Aryeh Aryeh on Apr 27, 2017

    You can add a pen holder, or candy dish, or both, but be careful not to make it too cluttered!

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  • Shui Shui on Apr 27, 2017

    You can get some of the following items:

    1. Fishbowl
    2. Plant
    3. An Accesories Organizer

    Likewise, you can get some whiteboard paint and spray on the desk giving you a convenient and accesible writing surface.

  • Rachel Rachel on Apr 27, 2017

    Add a cup for pens, photo of your family and a plant of some sort. This will add color and personality :)

  • I love adding a piece of glass over the top! You can put photos under that or even paint the underside to look like seaglass or something else awesome!

  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Apr 27, 2017

    I have little dinosour friends to give my desk some cheer!

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  • I always vote for photos of family friends and pets. Next a plant ot two, then desk accessories and, if your office allows, things that make you smile or are goofy . . . 👀