How do I make a small backyard feel bigger for parties ?

  2 answers
  • How about setting up different areas such as a beverage station in one area, a buffet table in another and maybe a dessert table somewhere else? This gets people to move about the yard and mingle and not just congregate in one spot. Decorate the entire yard with a theme or specific color combo using candles, balloons, tiki torches, whatever you may have around your house. If you have electricity, think about stringing upsome party lights. I toss out serape blankets on the lawn, and have a bunch of pillows as well as lots of chairs. How about a lawn game? I have a cornhole and tick tac toe game. One party we did was line the perimeter of the yard with candles in pretty jars - the battery powered ones - I borrowed from everyone! Then set the various stations around the yard, and set the dinner table smack dab in the middle of the yard. Found some cheap twin size flat sheets to use as table cloths. From remnant fabric I cut placemats using pinking sheers. Used dollar store fish bowls with sand and colored gems with real votive candles disbursed with bowls of bright white flowers and did a sort of beach inspired theme with pale blues, greens, aqua, lilac. With white lights, looked amazing.

  • C.B. C.B. on May 11, 2017

    Great Share Naomie!!! I would like to add: use narrow tables IF you set any out at all; narrowness allows the yard space to look larger because less space is taken up.