Struggling with what to do with tile countertops in

by Ort7631254
I want to paint cabinets white but I definitely need to address my tile counters. We have recently invested in new floors and living room furniture so the budget is slim. Any ideas on how to resurface or perhaps the least expensive way to replace? I have beige travertine floors and don't want it to look to busy. Help!
  4 answers
  • Wait, save your money and do it right the first time. While saving money, explore what you might want and get estimates for what it would cost for new counter tops. There are so many options out there and not all of them are expensive. My girlfriend just found "remnant" pieces at a local stone yard for pennies on the dollar compared to buying the entire slab. She paid $500 whereas the slab would have been $5,000 - $6,000. She also found some marble pieces for some niches in her home, $10 each. So hit the road on a day off and seek out all local business and see what you can find. I bet you will surprise yourself! And make it an adventure . . . Pack a picnic lunch or stop and grab a nice lunch when you normally would not have done so. In the end you will have the kitchen of your dreams instead of "settling for cheap" . . .

  • Pennie1958 Pennie1958 on Apr 30, 2017

    they have paint for painting tiles check with you local hardware store

  • Diana Deiley Diana Deiley on May 01, 2017

    Check out your local Habitat Resale Store, they sometimes have different counters to choose from at a reasonable price. Also check out your local granite store for "mistakes" that sell for much less money. Best of luck.

  • Jean Jean on May 03, 2017

    I would paint your cabinets, and then see how the tile looks...

    you may discover that regrouting is all they really need (plus, coloring and then sealing the grout makes life so much easier...)