Bathing your pets

Lisa Ochoa
by Lisa Ochoa
What is the best shampoo for your pets? We have two dogs a chihuahua/poodle mix and a miniature schnauzer mix. The chihuahua we bathe and she is squeaky clean but the other we have bathed and not even 3 baths will get her clean. We tried using Dawn dish soap because she had engine oil all over her bottom half but that didnt help. We often shave her hair but she still smells badly. She is an older dog and also has very bad breath ( her teeth are also falling out)...can anyone help?
  8 answers
  • What kind of food are you feeding them? Just like people, we get bad breath and body odor from certain foods. Dawn should have worked if it set on her for about 5 minutes or so. Is she old? loosing her teeth happens in old age.
  • Carole Carole on Jan 09, 2014
    If Dawn is a brand of washing up liquid then I urge you please, please don't use washing up liquid of any kind to bath your dog (or any other pets for that matter). Washing up liquid has chemicals that cut through grease for dishes and whilst very effective at washing dirty dishes and pots and pans, it will cause damage to your dogs skin as the ph balance is all wrong and it will strip the animals skin of its natural protective oils. Human shampoo is also a big no no for the same reason. This can lead to skin problems. If she smells then take her to the vet to find out why. She may have skin allergies or a fungal or yeast infection in her skin. Over bathing will only make it worse as the skin will have no natural oils and defences against infections. In the modern age it seems that we are all obsessed with killing all known germs not only in our homes, but on ourselves and our pets. Not all bacteria is harmful, in fact some of it is very beneficial to our gut health and skin health and so on. It is all about balance. You will probably know yourself that when you take antibiotics for example, they kill all bacteria - the good and the bad, and that can often lead to things like yeast or fungal infections taking over. Please talk to your vet before trying any other shampoos on your dog. A dog specific shampoo is the best option to get the ph balance right and to try not to cause damage to the skin. Harsh chemicals and washing up liquids should be avoided at all costs. Some can even be toxic to pets even though they are safe for us.
    • See 2 previous
    • Lulu Lulu on Jan 27, 2016
      @Carole as is your right! I don't need to be right!!
  • Cindy Keefe Hack-Cross Cindy Keefe Hack-Cross on Jan 11, 2014
    I was talking to a woman who runs a dog rescue and she washes all the dogs in Avon sensitive skin bubble bath. they are very soft and it keeps fleas away.
  • Rachelle Iredale Rachelle Iredale on Jan 12, 2014
    I swear by baby shampoo... my dad uses it on his Labradoodle, we used it on out Shih-Tzu/Bichon (had fur more like people hair, no shedding but got greasy and smelly) and continue to use it on outShih-Tzu/Yorkie. It has never failed us!
  • Janis Hill Janis Hill on Jan 17, 2014
    Rachelle, old dogs smell. That is just the way it is. :-) You can have the dogs teeth cleaned t your vet to help with halitosis and a bath once a week in oatmeal shampoo. You might want to speak to the vet about the brand of food you are feeding right now. When we changed to a low fat brand my dogs breath began to smell better after one week!
  • Lulu Lulu on Jan 27, 2016
    This old boy sat in motor oil!!.But have at it,I don't need to be right (all the time)
  • Lulu Lulu on Jan 27, 2016
    sounds like yer scrapping for a
  • Lulu Lulu on Jan 27, 2016
    That's OK.I don't need to be right!