What is your bst homemade recipe for "chalk" paint please?

by Wav6991179
I love the look of chalk paint but am new & totally overwhelmed by all the commercial brands and the options of homemade chalk paints. Please help me understand it all? Thank you clever DIYers.
  4 answers
  • Jbr5302401 Jbr5302401 on May 04, 2017

    I use 1-cup of flat paint w/ primer - 4-tbs of plaster Paris - 4-tsp water shake well (I use mason jar ) easy pizzy !

  • Deb Deb on May 19, 2017

    Mix 1/3 cup of plaster of Paris and 1/3 cup of cool water; stir until completely smooth. Mix that with 1 cup of latex paint and stir thoroughly. This will make enoughchalk-finish paint for one coat on a six-drawer dresser. Chalk-finish paint should not be stored and reused.

  • Daniel Mills Daniel Mills on May 21, 2017

    Kourtnie Mills

  • V Valencia V Valencia on May 21, 2017

    As you may know, chalk paint gives a chalky finish when dry. Usually wax is used over the piece to buff out to a smooth luster.

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