Ourdoor Wall Decorations

Carlo S
by Carlo S
I have a section on the front of my brick home near the peakthat is barren, and at Christmas we hang a four foot wreath, but other thanthat it appears unattractive. I am looking for a source of a piece to hang yearround that is pleasing to the eye, but not ostentatious. I have searched a fewinternet suggestions but the purchases are all online and I prefer to visit anoutlet in Georgia where I can view the pieces. Any suggestions would beappreciated. Thank you.
  10 answers
  • Jeannie DiMauro Jeannie DiMauro on Jan 11, 2014
    This may be too much of a Texas outdoor decorating theme... but we love our huge Texas stars. They can be found at any flea market, gardening center, etc here... and I'm sure there are some available in Georgia. They're made in many sizes... including very large. Most are created to look old and rusty, but that also varies. Good luck.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jan 11, 2014
    If you don't want to risk the rust staining your brick, you might look for something made of wood. Maybe to to a slavage yard and find an old reclaimed round window, or something like an old ship' wheel. I saw on American Pickers last night where they bought 16 old wooden gears...said things like making chandeliers...that would be stunning.
  • Carlo S Carlo S on Jan 11, 2014
    Thank you for the suggestion, and after hours of searching, I have decided to look everywhere, including salvage yards, flea markets, antique stores, and the usual home décor stores. Have a wonderful day.
  • 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on Jan 11, 2014
    Spring art festivals would be a great place to look as well. There you will find aritsans that you won't see ordinarily. I have found some really cool pieces. Art in the Park in Jefferson used to have some really good artists.
  • You may also want to consider a backdrop to hang your outdoor garden art on that suits your style and the weight of the piece. Here are a couple of examples I've used.
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  • Carlo S Carlo S on Jan 12, 2014
    Thank you for the idea, I will attend the next Art in the Park in Jefferson, and other spring festivals.
  • Donna R Donna R on Jan 13, 2014
    I like the idea the Micro Gardener had of a trellis. I had to comment on how much I like your post picture! Al Pacino in deep thought, but probably not thinking about outside decor though! This was eye-catching. Good choice!
  • Donna Byram Donna Byram on Jun 09, 2014
    We have a big peak on the end of our home above the garage doors, so we put a nice welcome sign over the doors. It is seen by all who come to the home because that is where they have to park. I think a monogram would be pretty or just your last name initial. If you don't have a family crest, make up one with things that mean something to you and your family and have it cut out by someone.
  • Judy Judy on Jan 02, 2015
    Cut a large silhouette of Georgia, with initial in middle. Use wood, metal, corrugated metal, etc.
  • Sarah A. Victory Sarah A. Victory on Oct 02, 2015
    What about a piece of black wrought iron in a beautiful design--maybe even personalized w/your last name initial. My neighbor has a tall blank brick peak like that over her garage door and has a 2nd story w/no window. An over sized grape vine wreath might also work. An old window frosted so one could see brick/siding might also be an inexpensive fix. Good luck and enjoy.