Why are my plumeria trees not flowering?

by MickieC
Bought 5 of those 6 inch trees in the plastic bags at a Hawaii airport. They are now 5 feet high but only one is flowering! All are planted around the house so soil is same,sprinkler system so all get the same amount of water. What can I do?
  4 answers
  • FL FL on May 15, 2017

    I checked around and found out that your experience is not unusual. I found a site where people share tips and tricks that worked for them. Maybe this will give you something to try. Good luck!


    • Zeudi Zeudi on May 16, 2017

      having had plumeria for years, I can suggest a few options. Mine are in pots, we bring them in the carport during the winter months, with heat on really cold nights . This seems to encourage less dormancy and less leaf loss. Also, mine rarely bloom the first year. Also you can dig them up and wrap in newspapers during winter months, spring in a closet or such. Lots of sun and don't over water, encourages rotting . Good luck here's a pic of one of mine, is probably 10 years old or more

  • Zeudi Zeudi on May 16, 2017


    comment photo
  • Sue Lilly Sue Lilly on May 16, 2017

    They rest every few yrs

  • MickieC MickieC on May 19, 2017

    Trees started out in pots but I planted them when they reached 4 feet. I don't have to protect from the weather as I live in Florida (hot & humid similar to Hawaii). We have a sprinkler system so maybe I should monitor the amount of water they are getting a little more closely. Thanks for your suggestions!