I need help to get rid of Goutweed?

by Kat8662299
I have tried salt, vinegar, dish soap, pulling it out, it still come back, help
  4 answers
  • Swinnen Lisette Swinnen Lisette on May 16, 2017

    I looked at the wiki page and found this :

    "Integrative management strategies that combine herbicide with landscape cloth, bark mulch, and hand weeding to control goutweed in a garden are largely unsuccessful because sprouting occurs from either rhizomes or root fragments left in the soil.[13] Hand pulling, raking, and digging followed by monitoring to control goutweed may be effective; however, caution must be taken to remove the entire rhizome and root system. Removing flowers before seed set may help control the spread of goutweed.[14] Because goutweed's starch reserves are typically depleted by spring, removal of leaves in spring could be effective in starving the plant. Once goutweed has been removed, the patch should be carefully monitored periodically for a few years. New shoots should be dug up and destroyed. Revegetation with other plant materials is recommended."

    There are a lot of weeds like that. If it is really a problem, my solution is long but effectif : pull out all those plants, try to find the edge of the area and make a ditch around it deeper than the place where the roots are. Place over the whole area newspaper or even plastic binbags to smother the new plants coming up. You will have to do that at least a whole year to be sure that weed is not coming back.

    Good luck !

  • Leah Deverett Leah Deverett on May 16, 2017

    It's pretty tough to get rid of but doable! Work in sections. Cut the weed down to the ground, dig out the soil and begin to remove the roots and rhizomes. Be aware that you may want to work quickly between sections as to prevent it from spreading! Check out this article for more info: https://www.gardeningchannel.com/how-to-get-rid-of-invasive-bishops-weed-goutweed/ Lots of luck!

  • Sue Lilly Sue Lilly on May 16, 2017

    Great advice white vinegar is great for so many things

  • Just peachy Just peachy on May 16, 2017

    It's rhizome plant, ugh. I hope it hasn't been there too long. The older it is the deeper it goes. I went through something with liriope. It was a lot of work but you can do it! You will most likely have to go deeper than you expect. Go with the advice above you should be able to get it out. I covered mine with black trash bags for about 6 weeks in the spring and summer heat. It cooked it pretty well and stunk! It made it much easier to dig up. The ones that I just dug out, took a lot of work to remove very little.