How often do you water a combination pot of plants/flowers?

by Lgo11001500
  4 answers
  • Mar8719671 Mar8719671 on May 17, 2017

    Indoor, once a week and feed every two during spring and summer. Outdoor, when hot, every other day. You can also just feel the soil, top inch, if dry water! Feed every couple weeks. Love Miracle Grow liquid plant food.

  • Marcie Marcie on May 17, 2017

    You can also water plants a little differently within the same pot using a watering can with a small spout that really gives water to a specific location.

    This way some plants can get a little more water than others.

  • Sidney Rippy McLaughlin Sidney Rippy McLaughlin on May 18, 2017

    That really can have a lit if variables. If mine are outside, I need to water nearly every day.

  • Kig3047281 Kig3047281 on May 18, 2017

    I'm assuming your pot is outside so that depends on whether it rains or not and how much rain and what kind of plants you have in your container. I feel the soil and let that be a guide.