How to get rid of bee nest

  5 answers
  • Pmy8536680 Pmy8536680 on May 19, 2017

    First off make sure your identifying that it is a beehive a local beekeeper and he will safely remove them. Save the bees 🐝

  • Jacks Beta Jacks Beta on May 19, 2017

    I would call someone for this. I'm so scared of bees that I could never imagine a DIY for this one.

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on May 19, 2017

    Here are a few options for you -, good luck

  • Pat Ruge Pat Ruge on May 21, 2017

    I agree with Pmyetter, if you have a bee keeper in your area, they will most likely be happy to transport the bees to their bee farm and be happy to do it. We need to save our bees as they are becoming endangered. Bees are not just for honey, but more importantly, they pollinate our fruit trees, our plants and protect our future ability to produce all plant life.

    Start with Craigslist. Here is an exact ad on Craigslist from my area when I did a "bee keeper" search:

    GOT BEE'S. Bee swarms wanted!!!!! I am a locale bee keeper and I will come and remove swarms for free!!!!! I will capture them live, and move them away, where they won't bother anyone, and will provide pollination for a vast variety of flowering plants. Many of which you and your family enjoy eating.

  • Call a beekeeper! They will happily remove - most of the time for free. There is no reason to be afraid of bees even if you are allergic. Generations of mis information have perpetuated and now most people are afraid when all they need is education and a healthy respect for nature. That being said, I do carry 2 EPI pens, not for myself, but for others, as many insurance companies would rather let people die than pay for the pens. They have a short shelf life and luckily I have access.