How to you get Racoons to stop coming to the house and climbing on it

  4 answers
  • DebWor DebWor on May 19, 2017

    Try to find how they are getting in. Cover it if possible. If not try moth balls. I know this keeps squirrels out of the attic also keeps them out of my gardens.

  • Wendy Cochran Wendy Cochran on May 21, 2017

    set up a live trap. Cat food works good for bait. Shoot them and bury them. Coons can carry diseases. They can do damage. keep an eye out for young ones.

  • Teresa Teresa on May 21, 2017

    Plant Mint, in ground or in pots) around the house. I have done this the past couple of years and it is really helping. I tried moth balls but I didn't like the smell.

  • First you need to find out why they are attracted to your house. Call in the pros for a free estimate. They will provide suggestions what you can do. I am not for killing anything unless absolutely necessary. I have a bunch that come feed on my figs, the dogs generally scare them off.