What is the best garage floor covering (paint,stain,other)?

by Jfk22671319
Get a kit add non-slip etc etc
  3 answers
  • Pat Ruge Pat Ruge on May 21, 2017

    There is a Rust-Oleum High Performance 2-Part Gray Gloss Garage Floor Epoxy Kit which is absolutely great. This is on our garage floor for over 8 years and is still going strong. Any spills, paints, oils, stains, etc wipe up easily. The only sign of wear is the approximate 4" outside the garage door, exposed to the early morning intense sun. Inside the garage, if I were to empty it out, hose it down, it would look like the day it was installed. Yes we do park the cars inside.

  • Ton22425520 Ton22425520 on May 22, 2017

    As Pat Ruge's post, but you will need to etch the floor before applying the epoxy in order to ensure that the coating bonds. Etching solution is readily available from builder's suppliers, but it contains weak hydrocholric acid in solution so rubber gloves, eye protection, and reading the instructions for use is vital. That said, it is not a life threatening procedure if carried out with a prior application of common sense!

  • C.B. C.B. on May 24, 2017

    Definitely paint...unless you can afford a wood floor LOL...just kidding, the professionals use PPG Aquapon WB water base epoxy 98-98 gloss curing agent Code#0-8862501872-3 ask your local paint tech for something comparable for you to DIY...find out if they can tint it to a color pleasing to you.