Is it a spring? Is it a vase? What is it?

I went thrifting this week and found this odd spring looking thing. I think it's supposed to have a glass bud vase type insert or maybe it's some sort of candle stick? It was only 49 cents and I liked the look of it so, on impulse, I bought it. I went to another local thrift store and found another one! You know I couldn't just pass that up! So now I have 2 weird...spring things. I want to use them or repurpose them in some way but I'm not really sure what to do with them. I'm open to suggestions!
What is it and what can I do with it?
  27 answers
  • Cynthia E Cynthia E on Jan 15, 2014
    They look like the test tube style bud vase holders, if you don't want to use them like that saw a post where close to this they added a clip at top to use as a picture holder, or could hold recipe cards. GL show us what you did with them here when done.
  • Cindy Cindy on Jan 15, 2014
    I had a friend who gave me candle holders made from old bedsprings, those look similar.
  • Sfg178760 Sfg178760 on Jan 16, 2014
    Pretty sure the are candle holders because the top is so small...but they can be whatever you want! o)
  • Felicity Woodruffe Felicity Woodruffe on Jan 16, 2014
    i have something very similar are you able to bend the twists closer together?mine are closer and have coloured glass baubles inserted in the loops and then you hang them up and they twirl around reflecting light off the baubles , looks very pretty
  • Janet Bergner Janet Bergner on Jan 16, 2014
    candle holders
  • Mari Mari on Jan 16, 2014
    If you are into sewing little stuffed dolls, bears, birds, clowns they would look sweet perched on top.
  • Loo284599 Loo284599 on Jan 17, 2014
    are they strong enough to hang car keys on ?
  • Jan Martin Jan Martin on Jan 17, 2014
    I found one at a thrift store. I added glass gems to a squarish bottle and attached it upside down.
    comment photo
    • @Jan Martin I had never thought about using a bottle! I bet if I could find a glass soda bottle with a long neck it would work perfectly!
  • Lisa Damoff Lisa Damoff on Jan 17, 2014
    Candle holder
  • Sherry Knott Sherry Knott on Jan 17, 2014
    I believe it could be a bud vase holder but I had two of these in black that held bud vase shaped glass tiki torches that I used on my tables by my pool. When we were hit by a tornado, the glass torches were broken, but I retained the "stands/holders". My plan is to re-purpose into a sun/windcatcher by turning upside down and make it "hang-able (yeah, I make up my own words when I can't think of the right ones lol) hanging beads, trinkets, whatever hits me from the coils. Also thinking of gluing some kind of pot to the very top once upside down, to hold a plant. I have an art business where I re-purpose and re-imagine things. Just an idea for you!
  • Lisa Geary Lisa Geary on Jan 17, 2014
    They kind of look like "courting" candle holders. Once the candle burned down to the top ring of metal, the boy was supposed to leave the girls' home!
    • @Lisa Geary I can only imagine haha! Sounds interesting and something I'll definitely have to look into. I love little tidbits from the past like that.
  • I thought about mounting them sticking out of a wall to hang coats on? Could be neat.
  • Carolle Carolle on Jan 17, 2014
    They kind of look like flower stakes. You wind them around flowers to keep them upright (or you could use them on the grill for beer can chicken). Lol
  • Mary VonJess Mary VonJess on Jan 17, 2014
    I believe they are candle holders, as well. I think you could mount on a block of wood and then hang near the top of a window frame and wrap sheer fabric around the coils and drape a drapery accessory.
  • Diane Slater Diane Slater on Jan 17, 2014
    They are candle holders. I had a set, but your missing the glass holders. They look something like test tubes. You filled the test tubes with water, and put in tapers to float in the water. But the glass was so fragile that they broke quickly, leaving you with this spiral metal thing. There not antiques either, a non expensive item
    • @Diane Slater I figured they weren't antiques but I have this thing for springs. Something about them I just love. I can't wait to find a new use for these. But I also love candles and I kind of want to see what they would of looked like as candle holders.
  • Sherry Knott Sherry Knott on Jan 17, 2014
    Let me add that I am going to add glass beading hanging from the spirals to make it really glisten in the sun. You may want to consider that also. Whenever I get one completed, I will upload the photo to you. :-)
  • Gail lichtsinn Gail lichtsinn on Jan 17, 2014
    I THINK it was use as a bud holder..It had a glass tube like a test tube inserted in it..I had something similar to this a long time ago..They came in various sizes and you got them from a florist
  • Thank you all for your answers and ideas. I do believe they are bud vases that used to have glass test tube style inserts. I'm still not 100% sure what I want to do with them but I'm definitely thankful for all the ideas!
  • Diane Slater Diane Slater on Jan 17, 2014
    Oh, sure, I thought they were cool and different. One of my clients gave them to me for Christmas one year. I'm a hairstylist. The glass part was shaped with the test tube bottom, but a bowl shape on top of the "spring". I tried to find replacement glass for them but never had any luck. Good luck, if you're looking for the glass. But, I'll keep checking to see what you have decided to do with them.
  • Nadlou Nadlou on Jan 18, 2014
    curtain tie backs? crafty little "spring" people? dried flower holder? Message holder? Garden tool holder? Glove or hat holder?
  • Felicity Woodruffe Felicity Woodruffe on Jan 19, 2014
    this is what i meant
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  • ByLightOfMoon ByLightOfMoon on Jan 20, 2014
    It is a spring from an old bed or soda, chair, etc! Use it how you like!
  • Felicity Woodruffe Felicity Woodruffe on Jan 20, 2014
    thank you these are so easy to make just get some thick strong wire, maybe copper, wind it around something like a rolling pin until you have the correct size.use pliers to form a loop at the end to hang something decorative from and then add balls baubles or glass spheres inside the twists and hang them up :)
  • Jackie Golladay Jackie Golladay on Jan 20, 2014
    I would spray paint them silver and set them out on a white table or such and also a big fat white candle on a silver base.. Perfect!
  • Wanda Hurless Wanda Hurless on Jan 20, 2014
    >> They are old bed springs. So many things you could do with them.
  • I'm in the process of devising a new head board for my bed. I thought about using these as quirky finial type things? One on each top corner? More to come on that project next paycheck I hope.
  • Felicity Woodruffe Felicity Woodruffe on Jan 20, 2014
    ha ha i read all the ideas people sent to you it would seem you are spoiled for choice but im curious as to what you will eventually do so please do keep us up to date and enjoy whatever you decide to do