Using broken concrete pieces instead of flagstone for patio

by Kalsti
I have a large concrete area that I was thinking could be broken up and used for a patio instead of using flagstone. Has anyone seen this done? Would like any info on this!
  16 answers
  • Gwen Gwen on Jan 17, 2014
    yes years ago a lady I knew did this and amazingly similar to expensive flagstone it looked. But I had to haul pieces to help fill a hole under my foundation our dog had dug. These pieces are very heavy. Hopefully you will get help breaking up the slab. It's hard work but it turned out well. She pieced her puzzle closely and swept sand between the cement faux rocks. Best to you!! She did follow the pre steps as if she were laying a flagstone path.
  • Kalsti Kalsti on Jan 17, 2014
    Thanks Gwen~ any pics of this would be so helpful!
  • Gwen Gwen on Jan 18, 2014
    oh I'm sorry but it was so long ago. It was heavy work. My gardening magazines and books tell how to level soil, apply sand two to three inches thick, wiggle the pieces in place like a puzzle and using a level as you go. Add sand under pieces to keep it level. My sister used the type of hardening sand you brush in and wet. I used dirt over my path and took chances with allysum seeds. Actually buying allysum and pulling it apart to tuck in the crevices got it started. Then as the allysum got old, I'd shake it out and already underneath new would be growing. Just remember, bend at the knees to place the piece of concrete. Take your time. Back problems you do not want. It truly looks good!! Best of luck with your project!!!
  • Moxie Moxie on Jan 18, 2014
    You can look up projects doing this; people get fancy and call broken up concrete "urbanite" lol
  • Kalsti Kalsti on Jan 18, 2014
    Gwen do you have any pics? Thanks for the info!
  • Dee Dee on Jan 18, 2014
    Digging around the piece and do as Gwen said with the sand. But i would take it further and stain them .
  • Valerie Valerie on Jan 19, 2014
    I have just noticed the following post on Hometalk: Have a look - I think it may well help you.
  • Kalsti Kalsti on Jan 19, 2014
    Thanks all! Valerie that is nice-- thanks! Here is a pic of another person's "flagstone" that she made with concrete and then stained.
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  • Kalsti Kalsti on Jan 19, 2014
    Thanks Valerie! Appreciate it!
  • Lori J Lori J on Jan 19, 2014
    I have used broken concrete for walking paths. Not fun to work with, but easily had and a good way to make use of concrete. We got ours from our local yard waste landfill and they were quite happy to give the pieces away.
  • Ellen Knox Ellen Knox on Jan 19, 2014
    A neighbor of ours used broken concrete to make a short retaining wall. It looks great. I'll bet a patio would look great too.
  • Dana Dana on Jan 20, 2014
    I have seen this done with a low growing ground cover (like a moss) in between the pieces of concrete. It looked really neat!
  • Sheri Sheri on Jan 20, 2014
    we had some rental property that had a large flagstone patio made of broken concrete pieces. It looked great!
  • Diane Sterling Diane Sterling on Jan 20, 2014
    Making a path with pouring your own concrete is great, but using broken concrete pieces could be a pain installing. I did this for a patio using flagstone pieces that were removed from a house siding. The concrete that was attached and the varying thicknesses of each piece required a lot of digging and leveling to get a patio that was remotely level for walking and furniture. Good Luck!!
  • Deborah Deborah on Oct 01, 2019


    We did this. It is easy! (Once you get it all leveled that is) We used sand to pour around the concrete pieces to level them. Then we used concrete stain to stain the broken pieces of concrete. Then fill in the spaces between the stones with non graveled dry cement and using a push broom smooth it out evenly with the top of the cement pieces. Using a fine water spray wet the cement until completely wet, but not so much that it will wash it out and let it sit and set up for a day or two before walking on it. Everyone that sees it thinks it is flag stone.

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