How can u get deep stains out of carpet?

Martha Holloway
by Martha Holloway
Messes from kids eating
  4 answers
  • Dysko7710 Dysko7710 on Jun 05, 2017

    Here is a link that lists tons of different diy stain removal solutions for carpet stains:

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jun 05, 2017

    Make a mixture of white vinegar and water 50/50,spray on the carpet then apply some baking soda and allow it to sit on long enough to remove the stains.Blot excess moisture allow to dry and vacuum.

  • Lou Lou on Jun 06, 2017

    Most Janitorial supply stores have a product called Brown Out, ( it work`s )

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Jun 16, 2017

    I had recently come across a hint for cleaning carpet. First you saturate the area with white vinegar, then apply baking soda in a coating (in that order). I had steam cleaned a spot where my daughter's puggle had thrown up. Even though I treated it immediately with Resolve(my go to), and then shampooed, it wouldn't come out. So I tried the vinegar and then baking soda method (you have to let it dry - the suggestion was to cover the area with a bowl so no one walked on it) and I could see the stain lifting out into the baking soda. It worked! Hope this helps!