How do I organize a messy bedroom?

by Nel22045204
Room to messy to show clothes every wher e n shoes
  3 answers
  • Blo17320958 Blo17320958 on Jun 09, 2017

    not fun, but best way is to remove all clothes and clutter. Separate into trash, donate, keep piles. Clean room and then return items in an organized way. All blouses, pants dresses, skirts, knit shirts, after five. Keep each category together. Makes finding and getting dressed so much easier and stress free. Better if you can get a friend to help you choose what to keep and what to discard.

  • Dysko7710 Dysko7710 on Jun 09, 2017

    Once you do the above (which is a must), here is a link with some storage ideas for what is left:

  • Patricia Patricia on Jun 09, 2017

    Sometimes it seems there just isn't enough space to store things. Start by purging any items that you no longer use. Pack up seasonal clothes into storage boxes. If you still need more space then shop for a clothing armoire / chifferobe that will hold extra clothes and shoes. Good luck! I hope you share a before and after of your organizing!