What's the best way to stay ahead of clutter and junk mail?

We tried a mailbox system. A trash can & sorting table system. We tried a few other things that didn't work. Any suggestions would be great. I'm tired of my kitchen looking like a mailroom with various piles of yet to be claimed mail lying about.
  9 answers
  • I sort my mail every day when I pick it up. Bills go in one box, coupons in another, magazines in the magazine rack and junk mail in the recycle bin, items to be shredded in another box. Takes 2 minutes, and I receive a lot of mail. Once a week, I sit down and shred necessary items. Once you get into the habit, it becomes second nature. If you have multiple mail recipients, make everyone their own box and they are responsible for their own clutter.

  • Rebecca Peterson Rebecca Peterson on Jun 09, 2017

    I shred immediately. I have a shredder a color that matches my kitchen. Grab the mail, shred, recycle, and put in bill box. Takes 3m if you do everyday. I would also recommend going paperless for the bills that offer it. I use a specific email for all bills. Check it at beginning of month and write the due dates on the calendar. Some banks offer bill auto-pay. You can google "remove address from junk mail list" and sign up for that. Hope this helps or at inspires ideas that will work for you. Good Luck.

  • Lora Lora on Jun 09, 2017

    I try to go through it as soon as I bring it in the house. Most of it goes in the recycle bin and the "keepers" get sorted to their files.

  • Diane Sather Diane Sather on Jun 09, 2017

    I like to open the mail each day, toss the junk mail, sort between my husband and myself, I take care of it in the evening or it goes into my "to do " drawer. It is out of the kitchen!

  • Darlene Darlene on Jun 09, 2017

    I pay most all my bills online, throw away most everything else. I take any mail for my husband to his desk, and any for me to my desk. My desk gets piled up, but at least it's not in the kitchen.

  • Helen Helen on Jun 09, 2017

    When it's brought in to sort, have a trash can there and discard as you look through it. Anything with your name & address should be shredded so have a basket to put it there. Any mail for later you can deposit somewhere else. It's the way I do it.

  • Ana Bacallao Ana Bacallao on Jun 09, 2017

    First of all, go electronic if possible, you save trees! When the mail comes in, immediately throw out anything you don't need, set aside importan stuff on your desk and catalogues you may want to browse in a different place. After browsing, thrown them out, do not let them accumulate.

  • Brandy Grimes Brandy Grimes on Jun 10, 2017

    I stop at my outside trash can on the way from the mail box and drop off anything that's junk right away. I also open all mail and dump the envelopes they come in into the trash outside.

  • Eroque022810 Eroque022810 on Jun 10, 2017

    My husband brings in mail. Flyers go straight into recycling so it doesn't enter home. Bills go into a mail holder our adult children's goes on the steps and they pick it up when they go upstairs. I take mine to my desk and we do have a beautiful desk downstairs in an area that's perfect because it's the first thing you see when entering from garage. My husband does keep a box for shredding mail at recycling center and or for starting the firepit. Then he immediately washes hands and sits at desk opens bills puts them in order and writes out checks goes on bank site and makes sure that last month's has been cashed so that goes into shredding box and the new bill get paid and we hold onto the statement until it gets paid. Medical bills get filed as well as donation receipts. He balances checkbook. At any rate since he does it everyday it takes him no longer than 20 minutes. And we don't get many bills so it's once a week every so often it's 2×'s a week. But paperwork never touches counters. You just get into the habit.