Polyurethane over Duraceramic tile?

by Lezlie
I've read many reviews about Congoleum's DuraCeramic tiles and most have not been positive ones. Cracking, chipping, color loss and Congoleum's failure to honor their product warranty have me wondering if I can apply a polyurethane sealer once the tiles have set up.
Does anyone know or have other suggestions so that these tiles hold up?
I'm getting ready to lay these tiles in a small bathroom and since the company isn't honoring their warranty, I'm not concerned about voiding it by trying this.
Thanx for any input ~Lezlie
  5 answers
  • Z Z on Jan 22, 2014
    With all you know about this product I'm wondering why you'd still want to use it, even in a small bathroom. Personally by what I've heard, I wouldn't use it if it was given to me including installation. Is there something you know that I don't? I'm very curious.
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    • Z Z on Jan 22, 2014
      @Lezlie I'm sorry I didn't mean it as a bash at all. I was curious as if there was something I didn't know about the product.
  • Lezlie Lezlie on Jan 22, 2014
    Exactly my quest! Which takes this back to 'Doe' ......
  • Lezlie Lezlie on Jan 22, 2014
    Becky, how nice of you - thank you. I'll check them out. My project is all about being frugal and seeing if my renegade-type approach will work. I bought these tiles - 2 different colors - black, and a gorgeous dark tan with swirls of grey, cream and other shades of brown - at a huge discount, and I want them to work out in this small bathroom so much that, even after I read all the disheartening reviews, I'm still willing to go thru the labor of installing them, and I'm hoping that all their defective characteristics can be overcome with this idea of mine = applying the poly over top. If it doesn't turn out, I'll have my answer, but I'm sure hoping it does ... Wish me DIY, explorative, Luck!!
    • Z Z on Jan 22, 2014
      @Lezlie, I wonder if you use a Marine Grade polyurethane it would protect the tile better? Though this might add to the overall cost, it could very well be well be worth it as your putting this down in a bathroom with lots of moisture. Good luck. I hope you find something in the links that will help you. You'll have to make sure to share the process on Hometalk so please take pictures and notes.
  • Lezlie Lezlie on May 27, 2014
    I finished that bathroom floor and carried onto another, plus my kitchen floor - both of those in a different way. Check out these attached photos - enjoy...
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    • See 2 previous
    • Lezlie Lezlie on Feb 07, 2019

      Hello Charlie-

      The poly has held up pretty well. There is an area around the toilet where it has peeled and I'm attributing that to bleach -based cleaners I've used. However, I did apply only 3 or 4 coats of polyurethane when I installed it. My kids were almost out of the house at that time so there was fairly light "traffic". For what it cost me, and how it still looks, I think it was worth it.

      Sorry to learn that yours is misbehaving so much! What will you do?


  • Lezlie Lezlie on May 29, 2014
    Becky ~ thanx!