How do you prep laminate furniture for chalk paint?

Nancy Jo Davis
by Nancy Jo Davis
  3 answers
  • Best to make sure it is very well cleaned and a couple of coats of paint may have to be applied

  • Linda Leath Linda Leath on Jun 12, 2017

    Kimberly great question! The beauty of chalk paint is you can paint almost anything without prep. It is a great idea to watch some Youtube videos before you start.

    The important thing to remember is the piece needs to be dust free, two coats of paint may be needed, then wax after paint dries.

    Happy painting.

  • Dottie Ann Dottie Ann on Jun 12, 2017


    That's the beauty of chalk paint, it needs no prep. You just have a put a few coats on and make sure you seal it with some kind of wax or top coat.