How many 8 ft timbers to frame a 24 ft circumference?

Johnny Thompson
by Johnny Thompson
  4 answers
  • Stillyoung Stillyoung on Jun 12, 2017

    Basic math- 24 divided by 8 = 3. Can't believe the question--- then add a bit more depending on the shape- duh

  • Brenda Brandt Deason Brenda Brandt Deason on Jun 12, 2017

    Three would be enough, but you would get a triangle. If you want a square, you would need four.

  • Charly Charly on Jun 13, 2017

    I would use 8. If you want a circle.

  • William William on Jun 13, 2017

    What you want is a multi sided polygon to form a circle. The more sides you have the more circular shape you will get. Six side will give you a hexagon, eight sides will give you an octagon (like a stop sign) and so on. What you need to calculate is how many sides you want and what length those sides would be to form the circle. Multiplying the amount of side times the length of the sides would determine how many feet you would need. Here is simple calculator you enter how many sides you want, enter the radius (half of the diameter). In your case the radius is 3.81972. It will give you the length of each side. Hope this helps