How to prevent ants from making their nests inside my flowers?

by Leb5314068
  4 answers
  • Cori Widen Cori Widen on Jun 14, 2017

    I would suggest using a top soil with Diatomaceous Earth! Good luck

  • Tina Bellefleur Tina Bellefleur on Jun 14, 2017

    Ants can be good for the soil. Remember that if they build their nest there it's because they're confortable. You could change the composition of your soil. Less sandy. Cinnamon is a great idea. Diatomaceous earth will mostly affect soft insects. It cuts them. It'll hurt other useful insects and worms. Could use a little bit of ashes. Not too much so you don't affect you soil's pH

  • Robin Teets Robin Teets on Jun 14, 2017

    I have never seen ants make a nest inside a flower. Do you mean in the earth in the flower bed? Why not just leave them? Unless they're fire ants they dont cause any harm. The problem in trying to eradicate them is that you may also kill something very beneficial. There is always a price to be paid in the garden.