Asked on Jun 14, 2017

What is the easiest way to clean an aluminum awning gutter?

The gutter is mostly hidden under the aluminum awning. The open areas to clean debris is about 2 inches wide.
  7 answers
  • Question, if the gutter is under the awning, what use is it? Something does not make sense to me.

    I (or my gardener) gets on ladder and hoses out any debris. Use Dawn dish soap and a brush, give them a good scrub then hose down to rinse.

  • FL FL on Jun 15, 2017

    Use the opening to insert a hose end and use the water flow to push the leaves and debris down the downspout. You may even find a bird nest or two. Run until the water runs clear. If the leaves get stuck and do not come out, switch to Plan B. Plan B means take the downspout apart to empty packed leaves. Good luck!

  • Lyt38867166 Lyt38867166 on Jan 20, 2019

    This is what the person is talking about I have the same issue. There is a cover on the other side that makes it hard to reach. I have been renting my place for almost 6 years I will not go on a latter to do my gutters the homeowner is responsible for that where I live. It's never been done here. Anyways the best way to take it is a pressure washer if you have one. I had mine done 2 years ago and couldn't the last two because I was pregnant and now I have a an infant. When you do the gutters make sure you have goggles on the water and debris will come back at you. Oh ya you will need a second person at the latter just in case.

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  • Dr Pullman Dr Pullman on Jun 06, 2019

    I have the same issue 😩. Gutter is so clogged no water makes it to down spout. I’m going to try a metal hook to get stuff out (it’s really packed in there) then I’ll try the pressure washer

    • See 1 previous
    • Dr Pullman Dr Pullman on Jun 07, 2019

      I’ll keep ya posted.

  • Howard Hodges Howard Hodges on Dec 21, 2019

    Look you need to remove the down spout from the bottom or the top elbow. Reason is you do not want the material to go into your drains. You can clean up the mess on the ground easy or leave it there for compost . You do not want to plug your drains in the ground you will create a bigger problem. Thank me later

  • Sur48887388 Sur48887388 on Apr 06, 2020

    thanks to everyone for the great advice! Going to go with the power washing first.


    I have this on my mobile home and when the gutter is full of water it dumps on my porch. I use a power spray wand in each small opening. Start close to the downspout to avoid clogging it if working from the middle first. I also use my leaf blower to blow out most of it when it's dry. Sometimes I do take down the downspout. Only took me years to figure this all out. You may get wet or get lots of dirt blowing back on you but it's worth it ! Getting a new roof and they're going to add these gutter guards.

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