How to fix a cracked kitchen tile countertop and I am a poor renter?

Donna Albrecht
by Donna Albrecht
  7 answers
  • William William on Jun 15, 2017

    That would be the job of the landlord. I would not do any major repairs that benefit him/her. If the landlord agrees make sure you get permission in writing and a discount on your rent. I have seen many tenants lose their security deposit on a verbal agreements. I own a few rentals and I have gone through this.

    • Donna Albrecht Donna Albrecht on Jun 16, 2017

      I have lived here so long that if the cost of the fix is little or it is something I choose to do for my own liking then I pay for it (like new paint). Major repairs I always discuss with owner.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Jun 15, 2017

    Donna, I love trying to find cheap fixes for household problems. And I understand about not wanting to invest in somebody else's property. Temporary fixes for a cracked counter: 1. Fill the crack with Elmer's glue and let it dry before you use the counter. 2. Cover the counter with Contact paper, which can be removed when you move. 3. Fold an oilcloth or a padded plastic tablecloth to fit all or part of the counter. Tape the edges with clear wide packing tape. 4. Ask your landlord if you may paint the counters. Clean, patch, and paint with 2-3 coats. Seal with spray or canned sealer. 5. Get a big cutting board or a tray to keep on the counter all of the time. Best wishes 😇

    • Donna Albrecht Donna Albrecht on Jun 16, 2017

      You got what I am talking about!!! A cheap fix because I have lived here so long and get a great deal on the rent. I try to fix small things on my own. If there is a major problem or costly fix then I always consult the owner. For a rental and at an awesome price I am not going to complain because the tiles are old and cracked.

  • Let me guess, the cheap landlord will not fix? If that is the case, I hope you are getting bargain rent. How bad is it? Can you just cover up with a pretty extra large cutting board?

  • C.B. C.B. on Jun 16, 2017

    Actually it is the responsibility of the owner to make repairs such as that; if you do & 'botch' it...they could hold it against you. Check with your landlord first.

    • Donna Albrecht Donna Albrecht on Jun 16, 2017

      The owner is awesome to keep my rent so low for so many years. That being said I try not to complain about petty things that I can fix myself for cheap if possible. The costly stuff I do discuss with the owner if it is necessary.

  • Donna Albrecht Donna Albrecht on Jun 16, 2017

    The owner is awesome to keep my rent so low for so many years. That being said I try not to complain about petty things that I can fix myself for cheap if possible. The costly stuff I do discuss with the owner if it is necessary.

  • C.B. C.B. on Jun 17, 2017

    Do you know if the owner will eventually replace the tile? You can fix it cheap enough by applying "Kitchen & Bath silicon sealer" to the cracked areas. If you do, try forcing the sealant into he cracks as best you can, leaving a smooth surface rather than a bumpy/lumpy one. Good luck!

  • Agnes Chrzanowska Agnes Chrzanowska on Jan 31, 2022

    What is your countertop made out of ?