Sand and Seashell Mirror for a Dull Corridor

Bavicca Bharathi
by Bavicca Bharathi
7 Materials
2 Hours
An easy-to-make, decorative mirror to brighten up and add a little light to your dull corridor. A quick project to use all the seashells we collected a kids, and bring back the sun-filled memories of yesteryear's into our lives.

Clean the mirror with kerosene or any liquid cleaning agent and a cloth. 

Once it is dry, apply a thin film of synthetic adhesive on a part of the edge of the mirror. Dust the sand on it. Tap off the excess sand. 
Repeat this step until all of the sides of the mirror are covered. Leave it to dry.

Paste the sea shells and pebbles using a good amount of adhesive. (I have painted some of the shells with glitter nail enamel.) Leave it to dry.

(Don't worry too much about the arrangement. An asymmetric arrangement gives a natural look. Feel free to let the shells spill out of the edges. Do let some sand show in between the shells for a realistic shore effect.)
Let it dry overnight, and your mirror is now ready!
Hang it in a corner where it can reflect good light and brighten up a place that was earlier dull. Love it!
Suggested materials:
  • A plain mirror (I've used a round one. You can choose any shape that you prefer)   (Glass shop)
  • Sand (plain sea sand, or coloured will also do. Try to keep it in contrast to the colour of your shells)   (seashore)
  • Seashells (You can use varieties of shells, dried starfishes and pebbles too)   (seashore)
See all materials
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  2 questions
  • Patti Patti on Jul 06, 2017

    Cute idea but how in the world do you clean it ? ... all the shells and the "sand"

  • Linda Thompson Linda Thompson on Aug 28, 2017

    will try but I prefer smaller square mirrors & I glue Wine corks // how do you add a wall mount kit to your large, round, Very HEAVY mirror ???

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