Can you give advice on caring for Angel Trumpet trees?

Bonnie Crawford
by Bonnie Crawford
I have four different kinds, all in pots, and want to transplant them. I'd love to know where they should be planted to thrive best!
  7 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jun 21, 2017

    that depends on your location an lighting???

  • Mia Lugar Mia Lugar on Jun 21, 2017

    They like filtered sun, not direct, but should get aprox. 6 hrs. They will start to wilt if getting too dry, so water them if you see it happening..but don't water in heat of day..actually a light mulch over roots would help keep them cooler. Love angels trumpets..have yellow one next door. PS..ALL sure to run the water out of your hose if it's been lying in the sun or you'll be watering with HOT water!!

  • Sunny C Sunny C on Jun 21, 2017

    Hello Bonnie; These trees like full light. Here, in FL they thrive. They enjoy acidic fertilizer, and water. Do you mind me asking what state you live in?

    If you are in a colder climate, I do not believe that the trees will do very well if planted outdoors! I hope that this is of some help to you! Take Care.

  • Bam24686315 Bam24686315 on Jun 21, 2017

    Be aware that all parts of that plant are highly poisonous so consider also pets and small children that may have access to them.

  • Judy Judy on Jun 21, 2017

    Bonnie, these are lovely.. You will truly love these. Place each one into a large pail (I used construction pail) and cut off the bottom, and use the peat moss, and this will be fine. We have made a arch way, with wire, and the plants use this, and we have trained them to move up the wired fence. These are lovely, and you will see a variety of birds on these bushes, also. Best wishes, J.

  • Bonnie Crawford Bonnie Crawford on Jun 22, 2017

    Thank you for your replies everyone!

    We live in Northern California,(Paradise, California!), and are in the middle of an extreme heat wave this week. 😓

    All four of my trees are in large pots, and I would like to transplant them soon. We just moved here six months ago, so we will be landscaping our backyard and will add the trees when we finalize our plans.

    I started each of the four trees from a simple small branch from the original trees. They propagate so easIly!! Each of the four are different colors, and they are beautiful when blooming!

    They are all in partial shade now, but have outgrown their pots, so I appreciate the information you are sharing with me!

    They seemed to have survived our very rainy winter well, and I have been watering them every day with this extreme heat. They have been wilting every day, so I making sure to keep them well watered .

    One more question… are you saying they like direct sun, with possibly a southern exposure?

    Or is partial shade OK as well?

    Thank you so much for your good advice !

    I do love these trees !!

  • Bam24686315 Bam24686315 on Jun 22, 2017

    Me too