How do I get rid of long grass growning up from base of my rosebushes

Elizabeth Okey
by Elizabeth Okey
  4 answers
  • Carole Triplett Brooks Carole Triplett Brooks on Jun 22, 2017

    moisten the soil and use a pitchfork to loosen the grass. Don't go deep enough to bother the roots of the rose bush. Clear out the grass about 2' from the plant and replace with at least 4" of mulch At least 1' from the plant. Your goal is to keep the grass runners at least 2' away from your bush. This will also keep the grass from absorbing nutrients that the roses can use.

  • Cindy Cindy on Jun 22, 2017

    Hello Elizabeth Okey, If you can, pull it out, roots and all. I'm afraid to suggest any kind of weed killer because I don't want to harm your roses. Getting the roots out is a permanent solution. You might need to do a little digging to reach all roots. Hope this helps.

  • Castrang17 Castrang17 on Jun 22, 2017

    Place black plastic around the base of the bush and top with rocks of all sizes, or whatever is your preference. The black plastic will not let the sunlight through and should stop the grass growth. Oh, pull the grass that is around the bush first, making sure get roots out.

    • Shirley Gilleland Shirley Gilleland on Jun 22, 2017

      What I do is put protective gloves (from the thorns), soak about 3 cotton balls with equal parts vinegar and hydrogen peroxide and 2 parts water, squeeze the liquid on the grass, if you can't pull it out by the roots. Be careful to keep as far away from rose bush as possible. It will die in a few days and nothing else will come up there.

  • Cori Widen Cori Widen on Jun 23, 2017

    Make sure that whatever you're doing, you're diligently digging up.