Wood counter top to finish where do I start.

Jane Sampson
by Jane Sampson
  6 answers
  • Cheryl Cheryl on Jun 23, 2017

    Stain if you want. Then seal with WATER based polyurethane. As many coats as you feel like using (sanding lightly between coats). Oil based will yellow and darken.

  • Carole Triplett Brooks Carole Triplett Brooks on Jun 23, 2017

    do you want to keep it wood?

  • Sharon Sharon on Jun 23, 2017

    We redid a wood table for our kitchen. Sanded it smooth, then coated it with tung oil. It is non-toxic and food safe. It dries hard, and with small kids, it was great. We could put their food directly on the table, cut it up, and let them eat. No thrown plates. And simply wash it down after. (Relatively dry foods like dry cereal, sandwiches. Finger foods.)

    Safe, natural and non-toxic.

  • Sharon Sharon on Jun 23, 2017

    If its butcher block, you can buy food-grade mineral oil, and bring them back to life. Do at least once a year.

  • DZW DZW on Jun 23, 2017


  • Carole Triplett Brooks Carole Triplett Brooks on Jun 28, 2017

    I should have asked this in my first reply what kind of wood? It may not make any difference but I want to make sure.