I need to create a small stairwell from my letterbox to my front door?

Heather Ross
by Heather Ross
I have a fairly steep front yard with my letterbox at the top, I am 65 and it is treacherous when wet. How can I create an inexpensive stairwell from top to bottom, probably only about eight to ten steps.

  6 answers
  • Sue Lilly Sue Lilly on Jun 24, 2017

    Not sure what you mean heather,

  • Allison Allison on Jun 24, 2017

    If you have some young people that can help, dig the steps in the soil, then top with large pavers. I did this on a hill in my garden as an experiment, 10 years ago, they are holding strong even with all the water that runs over them. You could install a handrail with galvanized pipe and paint if for 'purty'. Again, you need young, strong people to take this on.

  • Sloante5 Sloante5 on Jun 24, 2017

    Creating an outdoor stairwell can be rather tricky - dirt has to be carved out, leveled for each step etc etc. it is not an easy project, and if improperly positioned is just as dangerous as your steep hill. I would look for experienced landscapers and get some quotes. If you cannot afford it after getting your quotes, look for a community group that provides services to Senior Citizens at low to no cost and see if they can assist.

  • Sharon Sharon on Jun 24, 2017

    This requires some expertise to make it safe, contact Habitat for Humanity to see if they have a group to do this. In our town, Habitat does most of the repairs for seniors homes and low-income homeowners. If you live in a rural area, you could also check to see if you qualify for a grant to build them ... https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/single-family-housing-repair-loans-grants

    Be sure to install a handrail for safety. You might check some architectural recyclers to see if you can locate an old one or the Habitat for Humanity Restore. If you build it out of galvanized pipe, you could check with local plumbers as they recycle the old pipe they take out of homes....I've gotten 14' pieces for my fence replacement project.

  • Pat Pat on Jun 24, 2017

    Is there anyway your postman can deliver the mail to your door? Won't hurt to ask and then you could put a mailbox on your house beside the door. We have our garbage pickup next to our garage rather than the street.....we contacted the city to get permission for that.

  • Heather Ross Heather Ross on Jun 24, 2017

    good idea. Never thought of that. Many thanks.