How to get red lipstick off a white dress?

Doris Ayles
by Doris Ayles
  5 answers
  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Jul 01, 2017

    Here is an article that might be helpful - -good luck

  • Debra Bergert Debra Bergert on Jul 02, 2017

    i can only think of vinegar and baking soda. or maybe shaving cream, i saw dr. oz use shaving cream once for wine on a carpet. i wouldnt rub it much thats for sure. i think vinegar over baking soda would be best. no rubbing needed it will activate itself. work from the inside for sure. cold water.good luck. let us all know how it turns out

  • Michele Pappagallo Michele Pappagallo on Jul 02, 2017

    I have heard that you can use old-fashioned aerosol hair spray for lipstick stains on clothing. Not sure if you can even find that anymore, but might be worth a try.

  • Bonnie Knight Bonnie Knight on Jul 02, 2017

    If you value your dress, take it to a good Dry Cleaner. I got chocolate on my dress at my son's wedding and they got it out. They are the professionals.

  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Jul 02, 2017

    Bleach will help!