Can Dirty Air Ducts Make Me Sick?

Enterprise Restoration Services
by Enterprise Restoration Services
Did you know that most people spend more than 70% of their time indoors? This means that most illnesses we catch come from inside our homes rather than outside. Starting with messy carpets and culminating with dirty air ducts, most of the areas in your home pose a danger to your health. Today, we will focus on air ducts and the importance of regular duct cleaning.
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  • The installation of a proper air filter will help block 99%+ dust, pollen, dander, and mold spores if properly installed. Duct cleaning is valuable if prior owners had pets and your allergic to hair dander. But to remove dust does not help anything at all. EPA states this on their own web site. Any dust that is left in the ducts will remain there if it has not blown out from the fan, so your cleaning a duct system that does nothing to introduce dirty air into the home. Most duct cleaning companies fail to do the job where it needs to be done. That is cleaning the AC coil and the blower fan blades. This is where the dust does the most damage. Blocked AC coils can cause odors and increase costs of operation and even in worst cases cause the equipment both heat and cooling to fail. This is the one space where mold can develop as well. Mold will not grow on or in ducts. The galvanized steel that is Zink coated will not promote it. It is also to dry because of the heat and dry air that the AC provides. A1/16 inch of dust on the blower wheel can drop the air flow by as much as 10% in some cases. Another place that the air duct guys do not go. There are some and when picking out a duct cleaning company, ask them if they do this. If not keep looking. The majority of dust in a home is not coming from the ducts. It does not generate dust it is simply blowing the stuff around that is not filtered as it should. The dust although does come from dead skin cells, and some things that are going on around in a home, but the majority is coming in from leaks in the house. If you have a very dusty home, you can bet your energy bills are high as well. Get a professional energy audit performed, This information will shed light on just why your house is so dusty.
  • Susan N Susan N on Aug 09, 2015
    I worked for a public entity and they bought very toxic building which was known throughout to area. Thousands of employees had workspace there. The filters and air ducts were NEVER cleaned. Over a short period of time, hundreds of employees were diagnosed with asthma, allergies were rampant, eye issues began, and I developed (along with many others) migraines that lasted for weeks at a time. Important lessons to be learned about cleaning ducts and replacing filters regularly...