Painted Mid-Century Hutch & My ASCP Experience

Fellow furniture painting friends, have you ever worked on a piece that was just beyond a challenge? I'm talking about furniture that you just wanted to pick up and hurl out onto the curb so it could become someone else's problem?

The before was super glossy, and since it was cold and the piece is cumbersome I didn't want to bring it outside to sand it. Also, I had been dying to try Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. I totally thought this would be the perfect project to use it on.

I started freaking out around coat four, when it became clear that the stain was totally bleeding through and I actually would run out of paint before I could get it adequately covered.

Also, the bottom shelf of the upper portion had previously had some water damage that never looked too bad, but after 4+ coats of paint it was getting super warped and I had to pry it out and replace it.

Not willing to spend another $41 I had Home Depot color match the ASCP paint for me so I could finish the project. So, technically, this hutch is painted in like 85% ASCP with the remaining being Behr.
So, seriously. What did I do wrong here? I thought I wouldn't have to prime, but I got bleed through and the paint just didn't cover well. Should I have primed with a stain blocker first? And, if I had to do that, then what is the point to spend so much on ASCP when I could have achieved this with less than $10 of hardware store paint? Please share your experiences!
Number Fifty-Three
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2 of 9 comments
  • Kristi Wiseman Kristi Wiseman on Sep 10, 2014
    How did you pry out the shelf?? I need to do that but cannot figure out how to do it without doing more harm than good.
  • Sherry K Kunkle Sherry K Kunkle on Nov 20, 2015
    spray acrylic clear stops bleed through of old finishes . Spray piece first , takes just a few minutes to dry then paint . I make my own paints from real pigments and we made this from a throw a way we found .
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