Which plants should be planted together?

Tj Blue
by Tj Blue
Which gardening plants enhance the growth & protection of each other?

  5 answers
  • Dfm Dfm on Jul 11, 2017

    that is referred to as companion planting....check out the book carrots love tomatoes. There are also charts out in internet world...google companion planting.

  • Allison Allison on Jul 11, 2017

    Tried and true, basil enhances the taste of tomatoes. Nasturtium and Marigolds are good repellent plants, but not 100% effective. I don't think there is anything that will completely protect your vegetables without you intervening. I have found that monoculture will be your downfall. I interplant various things, a total mishmash and have had the best success that way. Except potatoes, nobody seems to like the lowly spud, so they have their own spot. It is not pretty, by any means, but it keeps my hand picking of insects down to a minimum. I guess it confuses them.

  • Barbara Silva Barbara Silva on Jul 11, 2017

    i always plant basil near mytomatoes, marigolds at each end of row, then I mix rosemary, lavender, oregano & sage in between my cucumber & summer squash. Works great for my garden 😊

  • Kim Kim on Jul 11, 2017

    The "three sisters" are squash, beans and corn, and they do well with the nutrients that each add and delete from the soil. Also the squash like to trellis up the cornstalks a little, keeping the fruit off the ground.