Dollar Store Wood Burned Cutting Board

Zest it Up
by Zest it Up
5 Materials
1 Hour
Sam and I love personal touches in our homes and in our studio. There is something so satisfying about creating exactly what you want…it’s like the true self expression in your space. I mean, you can totally snag awesome finds at local stores that represent your aesthetic, but it feels so much more personal when the creative process of your imagination syncs up with your making skills. It is even better when you add those personal touches to the “heart of the home,” aka the kitchen.

Photo Cred: Anya McInroy
The best is when crafting personal touches around your home starts with a trip to the 99C Store!

  • bamboo cutting boards
  • woodturner kit
  • acrylic paint
  • paint brushes
  • pencil
Since having a clean kitchen is just as important as being cute, I decided to opt away from burning a design on my cutting boards. Instead, I used the woodburner to “design” some organization for my cutting boards by scribing the words “meat,” “veggies,” “poultry,” and “dairy” in a fav font. No cross-contamination for this girl!

Depending where you are at with your freehand skills, you can either just wing-it with penciling-in text or you can print something out to trace.
Next up, I chose some fun colors to paint the edges of each board, just so that they were even more visually appealing AND organized!

I am stoked with how this personal touch looks in my kitchen. I love that these little cutting boards even have a metal ring for hanging. Ummm, and that they cost me only $1.99 each!!
Clean, tidy and such a fun way to express your own style. These would make amazing hosting gifts, too.
Have fun with choosing fonts, colors, you name it! It would be cute to burn a strip along the edge or even a honeycomb pattern in the corner. So many options!!!

ps If you are digging our Laguiole knife above, you can check it out at
Suggested materials:
  • Bamboo cutting board
  • Woodburner kit
  • Acrylic paint
See all materials
Zest it Up
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 6 questions
  • Dl.5660408 Dl.5660408 on Jul 21, 2017

    Did you use a wood turner kit, or a wood burner kit? Could you tell me where you purchased it? The came out lovely

  • Cindy spalsbury Cindy spalsbury on Jan 23, 2018

    Do you know if it is safe to wood burn on a bamboo cutting board from China, I've heard they use formaldehyde in the glue and burning it could be bad for you. Have you found anything on this,or researched this

  • Rak33493424 Rak33493424 on Sep 21, 2018

    How about he paint when you put it in the dish washer? Isn’ it bad ?

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  • Wynne Wigderson Wynne Wigderson on Jun 02, 2020

    I use all natural stuff for all my wood boards including my butcher block. Lemon & kosher salt works best for me then after it dries I use food grade conditioner by Howard that I get on Amazon. It looks brand new all the time!

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