Simple ideas to keep my 12 lb dog on porch?

Carol Andora
by Carol Andora
Looking for ideas to contain our dog on the front porch when we are out there. We have railing down (about hip high) the length and one end and will put up a little gate of some sort on other end. It is the slats that he gets through that we need to do something about ... maybe screening?? When he sees a squirrel, bird, neighbor or anything, he can run like the wind !! We don't live on a busy street, but he could be in the street in a heartbeat and I cannot take any chances ! Thank you for any suggestions !

  3 answers
  • Laura Wright Laura Wright on Jul 17, 2017

    When ours were babies we used chicken wire to contain them, This corral Was In The Living Room, it worked. Not very visible. Isn't she cute? She is 8 now.

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  • Susan Oglesby Canny Susan Oglesby Canny on Jul 17, 2017

    You can use Cattle Panel Fencing, its sturdy and does not sag like wire. you can normally find it at Tractor Supply. If the dog is really little, you may want to use hardware cloth. It has very small blocks that will not allow a dog to get their head hung in and strangle them. The lattice shown above will work but will need to be painted and if you use the wooden one will eventually become brittle and need replacing.

    • Carol Andora Carol Andora on Jul 17, 2017

      I like that idea, it could blend in with our porch railing well enough. We have a tractor supply not faraway ! Thanks ! P.S, cute girl you have there !