I need help with organizing!

Linda Hunt
by Linda Hunt
So, I sit in a quandary of my own making I just discovered. BWAH It is big too. I completely missed the part of keeping different boxes to keep like with like... YUP, I will not admit how many saves I have either, hehehe. Is there a soul out there feeling gentle enough to tell this Crone of the Castle how to spend a few weeks organizing myself out of this morass??? I would offer my first born child but I could only have one and he is now 33 years old. Says he kinda wants to keep me around for the most part. Thank you, Linda

  5 answers
  • C. D. Scallan C. D. Scallan on Jul 17, 2017

    Okay , I am not sure that I understand your question , but I'm willing to help if give some clarification .

  • BillieandRob Linhart BillieandRob Linhart on Jul 17, 2017

    What are you organizing?

  • 13526476 13526476 on Jul 17, 2017

    I'm going to jump in here, Linda, and hope I can help you. How about if I talk to you like my daughter?! "I know you said you have a kitten in here...where is it? What if there was a fire? How could you get yourself out, let alone the cat? Come on, I'll help you. If you have things laying all over, how can you tell me you love these when you are disrespecting those things?"

    Clothing? When was the last time you wore that? Three boxes marked: KEEP, DONATE or RECYCLE (no one needs a holely sweater or 3 socks with holes).

    Records/tapes/cassettes? If you are keeping them, store them appropriately or else use the DONATE or RECYCLE boxes.

    Art supplies? Store "like with like" in the KEEP or DONATE box. Get rid of the dibs and dabs, or mix paints, etc., together to get a new medium to use. If you are no longer into that art, DONATE.

    Books? Have you read them? Only if they are first editions or those autographed should you keep them. Let's face it, if you want to read a book again, you can go to the library or get it on Kindle!

    Shoes? Keep what you wear now, and DONATE or RECYCLE the rest from 5 years ago. If the style comes back again, you can always buy a new pair. (Let's face it, as we get older, we can't or shouldn't wear the sky-high heels, plus our feet tend to get bigger/wider as we age.)

    Magazines/Newspapers? Again, once read, DONATE or RECYCLE. Only rabbits need warrens!

    Jewelry? If broken, do you love it enough to have it repaired? If so make a REPAIR box. Otherwise, DONATE. (Okay, if it's grandma's ring, you may keep it, just find an appropriate place.) Put the rest of the jewelry away properly.

    Photos? Scan the photos you can't live without, and share them with those in same. TOSS the pics of the tops of heads, the neck down shots or the "what is that" or "do you know who that is?" pictures. If you must keep them, file in a photo box.

    Makeup? TOSS everything over 6 months old. Don't share this with anyone. Find a spot and keep it all together!

    EBay? Ugh. If you haven't started selling that stuff on EBay by now, DONATE it. No one needs any additional clutter right now. Get on track before thinking about more!

    Of course, I wrote the above based on my own life (tongue-in-cheek), and I don't mean to insult anyone. Sometimes, you just have to look at what you have around you, and just let it go. Amazingly, it can be quite freeing to let go. DONATE to service, nursing homes, schools. Fill the recycling containers to the brim and don't give it a second thought. Your extras can be good fortune to others.

  • Dfm Dfm on Jul 17, 2017

    start with your closet. If it doesn't fit...donate. Books.....may not be in electric form. But freebookspot.com might have newer stuff. Photos store in acid free photo boxes.....after you scan them to computer. Myo Christmas cards? Not that hard. Keep like items with like. When you use an item.....put it back in it's parking spot.

  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Jul 18, 2017

    I'm all about being strict with "specific places" if I don't even let myself "put something down for a minute" then I find I'm much better organized. And i can find everything later. My husband is even better about it than I am. When I know he's not going to be home until later, I'll leave my shoes in the middle of the room and trip over them shortly after. There's def a reason he encourages me to put them away right away