Need water-wise 'lawn' ideas for Arizona/southern Utah?

by Tabby
What kind of water-wise 'lawn' to plant in northern Arizona/ southern Nevada/ southern Utah? Coming from the Midwest where everything is emerald velvety green, I just need to see some GREEN out in this desert. But I am conscious of water conservation, use of native plants, etc., so is there anything that will grow in desert other than sagebrush, agave, and cactus?? Some sort of ground cover? Anything is better than seeing dirt, especially when the wind blows. We get below freezing where I will be planting.
  3 answers
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Feb 05, 2014
    I think buffalograss might be an option for you, Tabby, but I suggest you check out this web site from the Utah Division of Water Resources. It has all sorts of suggestions on water-wise gardening and they seemed to have you in mind when they wrote, "For many homeowners, water-wise landscaping brings to mind nightmarish visions of cacti, rock and cattle skulls."
  • Tabby Tabby on Feb 05, 2014
    haha that IS funny, because that's true! "nightmarish visions of cacti, rock and cattle skull" thanks for your help.
  • JoieBK JoieBK on Feb 06, 2014
    I have a friend who is a sod farmer here in Florida, he is seeing great success with Zoysia grass, it is supposed to be drought tolerant, pest tolerant...thick and lush...maybe google it and see what they say. I used to live in the high desert of Colorado. Miss it a lot, there is just something about the desert, cracked ground, pale blue green "grass" LOL, flowers popping up in the middle of the arroyo, and plants with lovely dark purple flowers suddenly coming up in middle of the concrete hard dirt driveway. They formed gorgeous "mounds", and had tubors sometimes a foot long and 6 inches across! You might also check with your local Big R or ranch supply store, they usually have seed mixes that are suited for the region. Enjoy the desert. No place else comes so vitally alive at night!