How can I remove the painted wall paper?

by Young
The dining room has painted wallpaper. I am going to remove the chair railing and I do not want it there, I will save it to use on another room. Should I just place wood on the walls? Do I paint the wood before I put it on the wall. The kitchen will have one wall with wood planks.

How can I remove the texture on the walls. I do not like it at all. Some rooms have it and
some do not. Please Help!

  4 answers
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jul 18, 2017

    You could strip just the top half and Panel the bottom or strip the lot or just paint over it again.....

  • Polly Fuller Polly Fuller on Jul 18, 2017

    it's a big messy job but you can buy a small scorer. score and spray the area with warm water and vinegar 1 section at a time and scrape it off with a wide scraper. once the wall dries sand it smooth, prime and paint.

  • Amanda Amanda on Jul 18, 2017

    I would remove the painted wall paper, and paint. It would also be pretty to have the bottom half with the same wall planks as the other wall. You can prime the wood first, but I would put it up before doing any final coats. What type of texture is on the walls?

    • Young Young on Jul 18, 2017

      The walls in some of this have extra dry wall with a sweeping texture design, They people were trying to do a turdor home. The house had many designs. I knew this house was sound and it just needed to be up dated. and not be so dark. thank you for your help Picture this tomato basil in the kitchen with blue peel and stick tiles and rose colored carpet on the stairs.

  • Derek Higgison Derek Higgison on Jul 18, 2017

    Sorry to tell you this, but if you are are scraping any wall texture of walls or cielings you must establish if the material like 'Artext' has asbestos in it.

    Some time the best way is to scim coat thee surfaces and then paint over them.