How to Paint a Design With a Leaf Borrowed From Nature

by ThisOldHouse
Cost: About $10
Time: About 4 hours per wall
Difficulty: Easy
Tools: Foam brush
Shopping List: Metallic craft paint, craft glue, paper, paper towel, a pencil, and string

Here's a DIY project that doesn't require much in the way of supplies. Simply step outside, gather leaves that have a shape you like, and you're halfway there. The pattern here was made with a bodhi leaf used as a st for a similar look, you could try a linden, an aspen, a catalpa, or a redbud. Make sure the leaves are flat yet pliable. For each stamp, run a tiny amount of craft glue down the middle of the front of the leaf and stick it to a square of paper. Slide pieces of paper towel between the leaf and the backing paper to keep paint from getting on the paper.
Then, with a small foam brush, paint the leaf's back using metallic craft paint or any paint in a color or finish that contrasts with the wall. Remove the paper towel and find a spot for the leaf on the wall. Press firmly without twisting or rocking. Continue, randomly scattering leaves or arranging them evenly. To avoid rigid rows but achieve pleasing spacing, tie one end of a piece of string to a pencil and knot the other end; place the knot at the center of the first stamp, mark the center of the next one, and so on. Don't lose sleep over imperfections: A little natural variation is part of the charm.
Check out 15 Decorative Painting Ideas at for more ideas!
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