Need help actually ideas about what to do with these brackets?

by Michelle
I use to have window boxes they came wth the house had to remove because they were beyond repair. I have tried hanging basket spent way too much replacing plants twice. Also brackets can't be remove and I don't want window boxes any ideas be appreciated. There are three brackets on front picture window side and two on the other side. Thanks
  12 answers
  • Elaine Elaine on Jul 18, 2017

    Remove all the hanging baskets and plant some evergreen shrubs, such as boxwood, upright cedars, etc. as they will hide and "soften" the foundation of your house and also hide the brackets that you say you can't remove. Then have a nice planter, pot or urn at the front entrance filled with flowers to add some color. If you like and go with my idea, make sure the front bed (where the shrubs will go) is not too skimpy but a fairly deep bed. If the soil is sparse and meagre looking, amend the soil with more good quality soil from a reputable garden centre. It pays off in healthy shrubs and plants.

  • Michele Pappagallo Michele Pappagallo on Jul 19, 2017

    Get a piece of board that will fit across the top of your brackets with a little bit extended on each side. Cut holes in the board that are large enough for a flower pot to sit in. mount the board across the top of the brackets, using screws to attach it and hold it in place. Add the flower pots into the holes. Similar to the picture below...but with the board mounted on your brackets instead of attached to a shelf.

    comment photo
    • Sindigo Sindigo on Jul 19, 2017

      This is what I was going to suggest - even a couple of deckboards to use as a shelf would be easy enough to do without cutting circular holes and cheap.

      If the brackets won't quite support the weight, cut another board/fencepost or two to length to use as 'legs'.

  • Jaweb Jaweb on Jul 19, 2017

    Why are your hanging baskets failing?? Is it the plants you are choosing??? They recommend a "thriller, filler and spiller" when making hanging baskets but you also have to keep in mind your weather conditions AND your availability to care for them. Try a more drought tolerant flower such as a geranium which has many colors, can become quite bushy, will re bloom all summer with occassional deadheading and as an added plus acts as a mild mosquito repellent. As an extra tip to save on watering place a baby diaper open, plastic side down in the pot for water retention --- plants will thank you.


  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Jul 19, 2017

    How about hanging a shelf on them and displaying something? or making a small herb garden on them?

  • Linda Linda on Jul 19, 2017

    Maybe a shelf with solar lights spaced across the length.

  • Jean Thompson Jean Thompson on Jul 19, 2017

    Put a board across and use it like you would a Mantle in the house, display some pretty Pots, figurines, Garden gnomes, Fairy Garden in flatter pots etc.. or just some vine plants.. You should be able to unscrew the brackets, then just fill the holes with silicone caulking, and then you can paint over the holes.. You can always put some medalions over the holes for some interest..?

  • Holly Kinchlea-Brown Holly Kinchlea-Brown on Jul 19, 2017

    Use the brackets as a base for stringing wire or string for a makeshift trellis and plant climbing rose or clematis or morning glory in the space. Just make sure whatever climber you choose is appropriate for the amount of sun this spot gets....I suspect that your hanging baskets are getting too much sun/not enough water and that's why they're not working out for you. Planting directly into the soil with the correct plants should help.

  • Kim Kim on Jul 19, 2017

    Put a board across them and potted plants on top. Or if you want them gone, but can't remove them (why not??), you could cut them off at the elbow and paint to match the siding.

  • Michelle Michelle on Jul 19, 2017

    Thanks for the great suggestions, will post a picture after I make some changes!

  • 23199144 23199144 on Jul 19, 2017

    Put a board up and make a shelf. Then just put decorative things on it. Plant something under the shelf that loves shade. Or box in the whole space and make it a storage area.

  • Peg Peg on Jul 19, 2017

    Use them as bird feeders.

  • Amanda Amanda on Jul 19, 2017

    You can cut the overhang part off and maybe try to cover the part screwed into the house with some sort of decorative wood piece, or rock.