Wood or metal studs for our new shower???

by Enb27015144
  4 answers
  • William William on Jul 20, 2017

    I've used metal studs, but prefer them only for non-supporting walls, not including shower stalls. They tend to allow for to much flexibility even if you use cement backer board, especially if you lean on them which may cause cracked grout lines. There is however a hole, that when you line the studs up, you can put a metal bar through them to make them more rigid. Also with wood, you can drill holes for piping, not to say it can't be done with metal and a good pair of snips, but it gets to be a bit of a pain. The shower pan gasket is also easier to install with wood studs, and fastening electrical wire without using grommets is more convenient. One thing I that I don't like is that the studs are fastened to the top and bottom plates/channel with panhead screws whose heads protruded about 1/8". That made the sheetrock imperfect. Backer-board is a hastle as well since there is not a lot of metal for the screw to grab on to. Also, grab bars, plumbing, electrical, shower pan, shelves and lighting fixtures are way more convenient to install with wood. It may not be worth the aggrevation. Metal makes a beautiful straight wall, but the payoff is strength.

  • What does local building code call for? Either will work.

  • FRED RIGGS FRED RIGGS on Jul 20, 2017

    wood, with green board type drywall. Use screws not nails. Tell them it is for shower and needs moisture proof, or can use HardiBoard, water proof.

  • Enb27015144 Enb27015144 on Jul 21, 2017

    Thank You that helps alot.