Repurpose a Bubble Window?

Cat Shaw
by Cat Shaw
I have an old door with this neat bubble window in it. The door is warped but the window is so neat! I'm in a mobile home and don't really have a place for the window. Does anyone have any ideas for reusing or repurposing the window?
  10 answers
  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Jul 20, 2017

    I would suggest a small terrarium. It is very cool looking!

  • Angela Angela on Jul 20, 2017

    Hey Cat! You could use the bubble window in a wooden fence, to make a viewing spot for your dogs, kids, or other curious beings.

    • Tina Marie Tina Marie on Jul 21, 2017

      I bought a "Fence peek" bubble, but unfortunately the dogs behind our fence are very aggressive, despite them being 1/2 the size of my German Shepherds. Unfortunately their dogs keep pushing the fence planks into my yard and it's just a matter of time before the inevitable happens. So on that note... If you use it as a pet window... make sure the planking is on your side. Beauty side out = your dogs possibly pushing out planks. Beauty side in = other dogs entering your yard.

  • Diana Deiley Diana Deiley on Jul 20, 2017

    I'm thinking of turning it into a bird bath. Best of luck.

  • Cat Shaw Cat Shaw on Jul 20, 2017

    I don't have a fence around my property so a viewing spot, although a cool idea, doesn't work for me. I like the idea of a terraniam but I don't have space indoors. Thanks for the ideas so far.

  • Tammy Tammy on Jul 21, 2017

    It would make a cool aquarium.

  • Chubby58 Chubby58 on Jul 21, 2017

    Screw so eye bolts on each end and use a chain to hang as a large bird feeder.

  • Cat Shaw Cat Shaw on Jul 21, 2017

    Oooo! Great Idea!

  • Cat Shaw Cat Shaw on Jul 24, 2017

    Well, here's the bubble window in my tiny garden. I had an old chrome pipe that I dug into the ground. I filled the window with water and balanced it on the pipe. It's very heavy with the water so doubtful that a few birds can knock it off by perching on the edge. I love the way it looks and I hope that the birds do too!

    Thanks for the ideas everyone!

  • Cat Shaw Cat Shaw on Jul 24, 2017

    I forgot to post the picture...silly me 😁

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  • LP LP on Jul 24, 2017

    If you have a dog, a fence, and friendly neighbours you could create a doggie "porthole".

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