How do I get beautiful landscape on rocky ground?

by Bwi10458137
I live in san antonio out skirts see grass but as soin as you start sigging rt underneath are rocks
U would love some other trees besides the mesquite ones there and thicker grass

  2 answers
  • Kathy Williamson Kathy Williamson on Jul 22, 2017

    Grass is a constant battle. It doesn't want to be there. Why not do a pretty xeriscape that you can sit back and enjoy? Texas has lots of beautiful options. As far as trees and shrubs, what about saw palmetto or whatever your local nursery has in stock? The tall pampas grasses are also striking and beautiful, if they are not too invasive in your area.

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  • Susan Susan on Jul 23, 2017

    If you want a beautiful yard, you have to start using plants, grasses an landscapes that are native to the area. You can plant native flowers and clumping style grasses in the rocks, but you will never make a thick grass lawn where rocks are right underneath the soil. Go to a botanical garden in your area and see how they have planted rocky areas, use native plants and add interesting art pieces. It may not be the yard you thought you wanted, but the end results can be beautiful and much better suited to the enviroment. Good luck.