Vanda orchids-what am I doing wrong?

Lucille Milano
by Lucille Milano
when I bought plant it had many stringy long roots hanging . I read on line plant needs much water and to place it in a bucket of water every other day. this I have done until last week. I have some 3/4 strong healthy roots but no longer the stringy ones that all vandas have, what am I doing wrong?

  3 answers
  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jul 22, 2017

    When I lived in Florida we had ours hanging outside and misted it daily and it loved it. Try misting it daily and soak it once a week in water for ten to fifteen minutes. Keep the roots free when you soak it and don't let them have the weight of the plant sitting on them. In the wild they root on trees and survive only on the rainfall that hits it and the jungle humidity that is high in their native habitat.

  • Elfrieda Elfrieda on Jul 22, 2017

    Vanda orchids are more difficult to take care of than any of the others, in my opinion. They are higher maintenance and should be misted every day. If you don't have the time and you have more than one -- think about a drip irrigation system.