What do I need to know about using chalkboard paint?

Hillela G.
by Hillela G.
I want to make a project with chalkboard paint but I'm scared that I'll mess it up!!
How many layers are best? I think I heard once that you should cover the whole thing with chalk and erase it right away- is that correct?
Thanks for all of the confidence you'll give me with your help!!!
  4 answers
  • Cindy Cindy on Jul 26, 2017

    have fun! you can't mess it up..you can put as much or as little on the project as you want-whatever kind of look you're gong for. It won't cover with a nice even glossy sheen tho-not that kind of paint. It's more of the weathered barn board look.

  • C. D. Scallan C. D. Scallan on Jul 26, 2017

    Okay from personal experience , yes, two coats is best for spray paint but not necessary if bought the good stuff in the can. I didn't "season " mine by writing all over it and erasing but mine is not a message board , its more like the center of a wreath (we painted an old pizza pan and glued flatware around the edges of it. In the center we wrote "let's eat") and it hangs on a huge antique window on the wall of my dining room . So I think it depends on how you want to use it .

  • Nancy Nancy on Jul 26, 2017

    i recently chalk painted mismatched dining room chairs and cabinets. A I did was wipe them down, painted two coats of chalk paint and lightly sanded. On the chairs, I sprayed clear satin finish lacquer. I learned as I went. The one cabinet was big and my arms were sore from sanding. I wet a sanding sponge/block which tremendously helped to quickly remove paint in random spots. On the two cabinets, I used a paste wax instead of the lacquer. They look stunning. Overall, it is easy. If you mess up, just paint another coat before you finish with lacquer or wax. I also changed the hardware.

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  • Fab and Pretty Fab and Pretty on Jul 26, 2017

    I chalkboard painted a small wall in my daughters bedroom. 3 coats is best and be sure to let it dry really well between coats!